TSP Ep. 35: The Mice Templar

Episode 35 of Trade Secrets is now available! On this episode, the TSP crew discusses Anne’s new comic The Bird And The Sausage, Marvel’s excuse for bringing back Jean Grey, and the Bryan JL Glass & Michael Avon Oeming rodent opus The Mice Templar!

Subscribe to the show on iTunes and Zune, by clicking on the feed to the right, or download this individual episode HERE!

Geekerific PAXCasts Day 3, Parts 1 & 2

We may have lost the day 2 PAXCast, but we made up for it on day 3! The day 3 shows (yeah! plural!) are now available!

PAXCast Day 3, Part 1: On this episode, the Geekerific crew discusses Zima soup, barreling through convention crowds, waiting in lines to wait in more lines!

PAXCast Day 3, Part 2: On this episode, Penny Arcade’s Jeff Kalles joins the Geekerific crew to discuss lack of impulse control, panels and panels and more panels, and Phil Gordon the Poker Ninja!

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, directly by clicking the feed on the right, or you can download these individual episodes HERE (Part 1) and HERE (Part 2)!

PAXCast Day 2: Sad Clown

There’s no good way to put this: the day 2 PAXCast may be lost to us. Upon returning from the recording last night, Luke found that the file would not copy from the storage media, and eventually discovered that the recording had become corrupted. After a mad dash of hacks and file recovery programs the final result is an unplayable, unrecognizable pile of 1’s and 0’s.

We’ll continue to see if we can recover the lost data, but at this point Geekerific listeners may just never get to hear Luke’s description of a nerd absolutely rocking More Than A Feeling on the Rock Band stage, Dwayne’s description of a hyper-spastic League of Legends fan, or Eddie equating a body-inappropriate cosplayer to a pickup full of sheep.

We deeply apologize, everyone. In all honesty, this hurts us more than it hurts you. We’ll see you Sunday night for PAXCast Day 3!

Geekerific PAXCasts 2012, Day 1

The Geekerific PAXCast, Day 1, is now available! On this episode, the Geekerific crew answers a bunch of listener questions, discusses their favorite games from the show floor, and generally bullshits about PAX Prime 2012!

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, directly by clicking the feed on the right, or you can download this individual episode HERE!

ATFP Ep. 62: Out of This World

Episode 61 of After The Fact is now available! On this episode, Joel from the Trade Secrets podcast joins the ATFP crew to discuss the statute of limitations on spoilers, the stupidity of American Olympic coverage, and Delphine’s cinematic 16-bit platformer, Out of This World!

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the Zune Marketplace, you can subscribe directly by clicking the feed on the right, or you can download this individual episode HERE!

TSP Ep. 30: The Strange Talent of Luther Strode

After all of the ridiculous delays, episode 30 of Trade Secrets is finally available! On this episode Joel shudders at the thought of ookie cookie, Andy forgets what episode it is, and the two of them discuss the phenomenal Strange Talent of Luther Strode!

Subscribe to the show on iTunes and Zune, by clicking on the feed to the right, or download this individual episode HERE!

Lateness Update: Luke’s An Idiot

As you surely know, both After The Fact and Trade Secrets have been delayed for quite some time. There have been many reasons for this round of delays, but this latest delay can be traced to one simple problem: Luke’s an idiot.

You see, Luke is off galavanting around Europe on vacation right now. During his vacation, he’d said he’d cut out some time to get both shows edited and posted. Now, we find out, that Luke forgot some of the critical components to the shows, and thus can’t finish the edits while he’s over there. Moron.

Which means that there will be one more week of delays, but no more. The most recent episodes of After The Fact and Trade Secrets will be posted during the week of August 6-10 – no more excuses, no more delays. We will make every effort going forward for both shows to get back on schedule and come out in a timely, bi-weekly fashion.

We sincerely apologize to all of our listeners for the problems recently, and we appreciate your support and listenership.

We’re Gonna Be Late

This? Well, there’s no way of getting around the awkwardness: this is an apology.

The last couple of months have been oddly sporadic on our two shows, fraught with recording and publication delays. After splitting the production duties of the shows between Luke and Andy – which was originally meant to alleviate strain and produce more regular schedules – things have clearly gotten worse. Life has interfered with the shows while Luke tries to figure out how to do his own laundry with his wife away, and Andy super-glued to his desk at work for roughly 23 hours a day.

We’re doing what we can to get things back up to snuff, so please bear with us. We have nothing to offer our awesome listeners aside from our sincere apologies, and we hope that when the newest shows get posted you’ll find them worth your time.

On that note: both Trade Secrets episode 30 and After The Fact episode 61 are in the can, but both Luke and Andy are now in summer vacation mode, so it’ll take a bit to get them posted. Episode 62 of After The Fact records on Tuesday (July 17th). So, there is a slate of content coming over the next several weeks that we hope will put us back on track, and worm us back into your good graces. For everyone waiting for us to get our shit together: we’re sorry.

Then again, we never did claim that we were anything other than raving cock-waffles in the first place.